Squirrel Treetox

By Natalia Otero Sancho | Chelsea Nutritionist

Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (IFMCP)
Registered Nutritionist MBANT CNHC FNTP

Jan 17, 2018

I’m excited to introduce the Treetox menu I have been working with my friends in the wonderful South Kensington Treehouse to design this year’s detox menu, to help you kick start your healthy New Year!! The Treetox can be collected from store or ordered through Deliveroo from the beginning of January 2018.   


For most of us Christmas season = over indulgence of everything naughty and nice resulting in a general overload on our bodies as well as a hefty ‘clean up job’ by our livers. Detoxing, in our opinion, is not just about putting good stuff in, it’s about getting rid of the bad stuff too through supporting both our liver and digestive systems.

The benefits of taking ‘time out’ to rest the liver and digestive system can support many other areas of health too; from the immune system to how well our bodies process and balance hormones, as well as regulate blood sugar, among optimising many other things. Most people find that after a detox they feel lighter, clearer headed, they sleep better and feel more energised!


Through our personal and work experience over the years as well as being confirmed by numerous scientific studies,the best way you can support detoxification is by EATING SMARTER, which means adding certain foods into your diet such as:

  •  Phytonutrients: the magical pigments found in whole, plant-based foods, which have specific functions related to the elimination of toxins
  • “Liver friendly foods”: those bitter veggies packed with Sulphur such as alliums (garlic) and brassica family (cauliflower, red cabbage)
  •   Prebiotic food: kimchi, spring onions, mushrooms to support the digestive system and general gut health.

By excluding processed food and reducing food consumption one can help reduce the toxin burden on the body, resulting in healthier ageing, better digestive health and a greater ability for the body to process toxins.


The process will include a wide range of plant-based, liver friendly foods and mild intermittent fasting broken by a nutrient-rich and powerful antioxidant breakfast, which include some of the following:

  • ORGANIC BONE BROTH this ancestral superfood is very satiating, packed with collagen and other minerals crucial to help prevent or repair the lining of your digestive system, for a smooth skin, strong hair and nails, and joint health. Its high content in glycine helps with liver detoxification to support your cleanse.
  • REISHI & CACAO HOT CHOCOLATE (no sugars added) a natural adaptogen to help reduce anxiety which is helpful when changing habits and useful to improve liver detoxification. This mushroom is also called the “Eternal Youth Mushroom” for its anti-ageing benefits. It should be compulsory for everyone over 30!. The cocoa powder will enhance the antioxidants effects adding a wonderful and comforting taste
  • TURMERIC LATTE this ayurvedic drink has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, especially when wisely mixed with the good fats of coconut milk to make it bioavailable, improving its absorption.
  •  MATCHA LATTE made with coconut milk and cinnamon will give you an energy boost, a feeling of “calm alertness” while supporting your liver detoxification/cleanse
  •  GREEN JUICE made with our favourite leafy green vegetables, some of nature’s best detoxification foods.


This is the main meal of the day; fuel for when you need it. All these meals are based on plant based foods packed full of beneficial nutrients, digestion and liver supporting foods as previously outlined.

Some of our favourite ‘smart foods’ include:

  •  MUSHROOMS are powerful detoxifiers, which act as sponges getting rid of toxins
  •  KIMCHI (fermented veggies) is a natural, food source of probiotic bacteria. It helps ease digestion, prevents constipation (remember, it’s not just about what goes in, but what comes out too), and assists with weight loss by keeping blood sugar levels in balance.
  •  AVOCADO – this fruit is full of good fats that enhance overall liver health. The healthy fat content also supports skin health so it’s often used in many beauty regimes.
  • CORIANDER is one of our favourite herbs to help the body eliminate possible common heavy metals toxins that we’re exposed to in day-to-day life, including arsenic, lead, mercury and aluminium.
  • PURPLE FOODS – The health benefits of antioxidants (bioflavonoids and anthocyanins) are well known for helping reduce inflammation, improving skin, brain and heart health.
  • BRASSICAS & ALLIUMS – All the brassica and allium family foods (cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage, garlic and rocket) are  rich in a variety of powerful sulfur-containing compounds, which are responsible for that characteristically pungent taste and assist in activating liver enzymes to flush out toxins from the body


Supper is based on nutritious soups packed with a variety of veggies that provide many different varieties of fibre to feed your microbiome (the good gut bacteria). This is essential for a healthy liver, digestive system and all-round health. A recent study from the Imperial college of London has shown that the liver’s metabolic functions are either enhanced or suppressed by the presence or lack of healthy good gut bacteria. (S. P. Claus, S. L. Ellero, B. Berger, et al. Colonization-Induced Host-Gut Microbial Metabolic Interaction.mBio, 2011; 2 (2): e00271-10 DOI: 10.1128/mBio.00271-10*.)

Soups are one of the easiest ways to give your gut a break and one of the best ways to deliver the big variety of nutrients and antioxidants to your body cells. They will help to keep your blood sugar levels in balance in order to avoid sugar cravings and overeating. This is really the time of day to rest and digest.

In addition:  

  •  Seeds will be provided to add some protein, and good fats.
  • Fresh herbs also will be incorporated to enhance the detoxification process and help the body to expel toxins and old hormones in your body.


A 3 day cleanse can give a good break to your liver and gut and many people notice a difference even after this short period of time. However, to form long-term, healthy habits, studies have shown that changes should be implemented for at least 3 weeks as discussed in this NASA study:  http://www.debcheslow.com/the-connection-between-nasa-and-habits/.

However, we realise that’s a big commitment, so we’d recommend anything from at least 3 days minimum up to 7 days or even two weeks for you to feel in tip top condition!


Like all things, some diets aren’t for everyone! For anyone undergoing medical treatment or is pregnant or breast feeding then a detox is a no-no. For anyone on medication, seeking medical advice or if you are unsure as to whether a detox is right for you, then we would recommend that you seek the approval from your doctor first.

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